Monday, December 9, 2019

We are Backward, Ask Ignorance - Rt. Hon. Rotimi Oyede

Ignorant has been the major reason why the union is where it is today.
Rt.hon Rotimi Oyede

Speaking on the topic titled unionism an effective and major tool among imeko Afon youth he coat Nelson Mandela word on "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
"Nelson Mandela"

He emphasis on the union to focus more on empowering ourselves and the union academically, organizing tutorials if possible 

He stressed on the reason for unionism at the event that Unionism serves as the voice of the students, the major tool of union is unity we must embrace unity and forget our individual background and believe but we must work to achieve common goal. He also mentioned that Unionism helps in developing onces  potential and active community should be the constant goal of both the executive council's and the students representative council

Lastly Hon. Rotimi Oyede re_emphasis on the if there's no unity there is no unionism. He also botress on Rt.Hon Olanose James word If You can succed in FIALGSU you have better chance of surviving in life.

Proudly brought to you by the SRC

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