Tuesday, December 10, 2019

There is Hope; You're The Light

Our nation today seems like it is sitting on the brink and all would fall apart for everyone, the economy like the boys would say is not smiling, security is in shambles and worse off the citizenry is impoverished and the average youth in the nation is thinking that exiting the nation is the best option they have got at this time, the question that if truly answered would send hope to everyone is; is there a light at the end of this dark tunnel or is this proclaimed light a gust of flame that would further consume us? Should we all just leave and come back when all is better?

Well, I’m one to tell you that fortunately we aren’t the worse in this case an indeed there is a light at the end of the tunnel but we might not even get to the end of this tunnel not because we have bad leaders parse but because of the docile nature the citizenry have embraced.

It pains me that the average Nigerian would sabotage us all to have a little gain, I was taking a stroll in my local government of assignment and I saw that people have vandalized the water pipes made by the government to palliate the lack of water in the village then it dawned on me that Nigerians do not only share apathy towards governance but also destroy facilities made by government for us. 

That’s quite strange right, young man that wants to seek greener pasture abroad, let me tell you why. You now see yourself as a slave in your father’s land because you feel there is nothing you can do to change the current situation hence the only air of freedom you can imagine for yourself is going into bondage in a no colour land.

There is hope for our nation but we are not seeing it because we are looking for it in the hands of government. The hope that exists for this country lies in the actions of all of us a citizens of this nation. First, we must learn all of us are a part of the government, therefore we must hold ourselves very much accountable in the little we do that indeed matters. That pipe must not be vandalized, you must not litter your environment and where we all have failed is hold your representatives responsible. See for long enough the elitist have taken us for a ride due to our inactions, the time to act is now.

The youth don’t leave this nation yet, you are the hope we are waiting for, first erase that thought that you are a slave in your land, you are not, you are a free born act like one. Go about your dealings legally and position yourself to help redeem the nation from the hands of the current saboteurs no matter who they are starting from the bottom. 

Hey, I’m not saying you should go burn tires and begin a street revolution or protests, if there must be a revolution, it is one of character which start from you, then your folks which should then flow through to the local government of your residence, then truly you have fulfilled the change begins with me mantra. Seize the moment, there is light at the end of this tunnel, there is hope for the nation, you are the light and you are the hope.

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