Tuesday, January 14, 2020

You Must Blow in 2020

This is a new year (guy stop giving us old news), but one thing we must realize that though the sphere of the measure of time has changed, nothing has really changed about the world (is this guy mad? So, all of those it's a new year new system talks is what?), yes nothing has changed with the world which means the price to succeed and all still remains the same.
Sometime yesterday I was drawn to a very funny caption that read are your new year resolutions still intact or one game don cut am like bet 9ja ticket? At first I laughed, then I reflected like I always do, then I thought to myself a lot of people came in with a list of things they want to change about themselves but just 14 days into this year can your answer to the question be in the affirmative or negative. If it's in the latter then this is for you.
Most times we really want the change that we seek so much that we make resolutions of them, but that's all to the resolutions. They are nothing beyond wishes and like the old adage goes, if wishes were horses men would ride.
Let me tell you a story, I'm a guy who has  chosen a path that makes thing very busy for him hence some aspects of my life have to kind of lack for the other things I want to do, and one part of me that suffers most time is my relationship. I see people enjoy theirs and I always wished I could too but I sold myself the excuse (excuse puts it mild, I sold myself the lie should meet) that my lifestyle doesn't permit that.
At the dawn of the year, I made a resolution (let me say decision because I feel that's a stronger word) to enjoy my relationship and that won't spell lack of productivity, for the first 3 days I kept on wishing, you know what happened? Nothing, but after then I put work to it and I'm enjoying the experience.
So let's say you want a bigger finance in 2020, you want a car, or whatever attitudinal change that you want, it won't happen by just wishing. Like they say in economics, if the demand is not backed up by a strong will and purchasing power is nothing but non effective demand. So, you need (I chose this word, because you might get no where with your wants) a change, you make it happen by effectively working.
It's a new year, this new year new you thing won't work out if you don't put serious work to it. It's a new year indeed, but not a new world hence the price for success remains same, so the change you need won't be birthed by wish but by hard work.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Tradition is a Mirage

Tradition is a Mirage

We all just got away from the yuletide feeling and getting ready to get into the drills and hustle for the new year. Well, as I've always said, there's no time in which a valuable life lesson can't be learnt, hence I present to you my Christmas story.

The yuletide is one time for some age long family traditions, most times the tradition have eaten deep into our life's ways so much that we fail to imagine the season without those traditions talk much of not doing them.

Well, I came into this yuletide season having a thought of not doing some of these traditions and I had always feared within that this would be the most boring time I'd have around this period. With that in mind, I had clear doubts but the yuletide came in and I blatantly rejected the traditions and it panned out to be one of the best I've had in years.
What does this story have to teach us, here it comes. Society have made us feel that what uphold the world is the traditions and societal norms that have been set before now but what society failed to tell us that if you want monumental success you'd have to break the traditions, norms and rules.
Traditions, norms and rules are set by folks who broke the previous ones, so why then would you be held down in this new year by a couple of archaic rules that has no business with what you're doing now. From time immemorial it has been said that it's madness to do the same thing in the same way and expect a different outcome, hence if you're to come out of 2020 better than you did 2019, you must be ready to do things differently and boldly than you did in 2019.

Traditions always have a list of failures because it keeps that as a record to dissuade any person that is trying to act differently, and don't wrongly see this as just societal norms alone as you'd be totally wrong. It most times comes in that counsel from maybe a loved one or a friend or even family. They may seem to want to protect you from supposed loss but they are also chasing you away from incoming success.

Dear one, it's 2020, hence it's time to act differently from the way you have done in previous years to experience all of your brand new expectations. Your dreams are there for the taking only if you're ready to act in favor of them in the case of which you have to break the mirage called tradition.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

There is Hope; You're The Light

Our nation today seems like it is sitting on the brink and all would fall apart for everyone, the economy like the boys would say is not smiling, security is in shambles and worse off the citizenry is impoverished and the average youth in the nation is thinking that exiting the nation is the best option they have got at this time, the question that if truly answered would send hope to everyone is; is there a light at the end of this dark tunnel or is this proclaimed light a gust of flame that would further consume us? Should we all just leave and come back when all is better?

Well, I’m one to tell you that fortunately we aren’t the worse in this case an indeed there is a light at the end of the tunnel but we might not even get to the end of this tunnel not because we have bad leaders parse but because of the docile nature the citizenry have embraced.

It pains me that the average Nigerian would sabotage us all to have a little gain, I was taking a stroll in my local government of assignment and I saw that people have vandalized the water pipes made by the government to palliate the lack of water in the village then it dawned on me that Nigerians do not only share apathy towards governance but also destroy facilities made by government for us. 

That’s quite strange right, young man that wants to seek greener pasture abroad, let me tell you why. You now see yourself as a slave in your father’s land because you feel there is nothing you can do to change the current situation hence the only air of freedom you can imagine for yourself is going into bondage in a no colour land.

There is hope for our nation but we are not seeing it because we are looking for it in the hands of government. The hope that exists for this country lies in the actions of all of us a citizens of this nation. First, we must learn all of us are a part of the government, therefore we must hold ourselves very much accountable in the little we do that indeed matters. That pipe must not be vandalized, you must not litter your environment and where we all have failed is hold your representatives responsible. See for long enough the elitist have taken us for a ride due to our inactions, the time to act is now.

The youth don’t leave this nation yet, you are the hope we are waiting for, first erase that thought that you are a slave in your land, you are not, you are a free born act like one. Go about your dealings legally and position yourself to help redeem the nation from the hands of the current saboteurs no matter who they are starting from the bottom. 

Hey, I’m not saying you should go burn tires and begin a street revolution or protests, if there must be a revolution, it is one of character which start from you, then your folks which should then flow through to the local government of your residence, then truly you have fulfilled the change begins with me mantra. Seize the moment, there is light at the end of this tunnel, there is hope for the nation, you are the light and you are the hope.

Monday, December 9, 2019

We are Backward, Ask Ignorance - Rt. Hon. Rotimi Oyede

Ignorant has been the major reason why the union is where it is today.
Rt.hon Rotimi Oyede

Speaking on the topic titled unionism an effective and major tool among imeko Afon youth he coat Nelson Mandela word on "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
"Nelson Mandela"

He emphasis on the union to focus more on empowering ourselves and the union academically, organizing tutorials if possible 

He stressed on the reason for unionism at the event that Unionism serves as the voice of the students, the major tool of union is unity we must embrace unity and forget our individual background and believe but we must work to achieve common goal. He also mentioned that Unionism helps in developing onces  potential and active community should be the constant goal of both the executive council's and the students representative council

Lastly Hon. Rotimi Oyede re_emphasis on the if there's no unity there is no unionism. He also botress on Rt.Hon Olanose James word If You can succed in FIALGSU you have better chance of surviving in life.

Proudly brought to you by the SRC

Success is Sure if... - Rt. Hon. Olanose James

If you can succed in FIALGSU you can succed in life
Rt. Hon Olanose james


A legislature is a deliberative assembly with the authority to make laws for a political entity such as a country or city. Legislatures form important parts of most governments; in the separation of powers model, they are often contrasted with the executive and judicial branches of government

Beyond the intuition that says "I know one when I see one," how do you go about measuring the effectiveness of any given legislature?

A political Scientist Alan Rosenthal, What do we want our state legislatures of the 21st century to be? Of course we want them to be effective, to be good. But we also know that state legislatures will be heavily influenced by forces over which they have little control-technology in particular. The challenge is to remain true to the fundamental purposes of representative democracy and the legislative system.
So what is an effective, a good legislature in a time of dramatic change It's a question, for the most part, that has gone unanswered, and even unattended. And the answer as to what a good legislature is must come from legislators, legislative staff and concerned citizens.

For legislatures to be good, they must carry out the functions we expect of them in our system of representative democracy. The principal ones are balancing power, representing constituencies and making laws. In considering whether legislatures are doing their job (and hence are good), we have to examine how well they are performing these three functions.

Our hope for change as a nation is very high! In fact, our country should not strive to be developed only in the economic sense. Rather, it must strive to be a nation that is fully developed along all the dimensions: economically, politically, socially, spiritually, psychologically and culturally. We must be fully developed in terms of national unity, selfless service and social cohesion; in terms of social justice, political stability, quality of life; and in terms of social values, national pride and confidence. In this regard, I want to challenge you all at this summit to evolve a mechanism that will enable us fast track our growth and transformation this will bring about the development of our dear Local  government Imeko/Afon , Ogun state and Nigeria at large.

Wake Up: This is no Time to Sleep - Rt. Hon. Adeyanju Joseph

Wake up from you slumber find a means to generate income Rt. Hon. Adeyanju Joseph 

Immediately past speaker of Federation of imeko Afon local government student Union lay an emphasis on the union finding a means to generate their income instead of waiting on the political year before getting an income. This issue has been a great setback to the union. 

Prince Adeyanju speaking on the topic tittled unionism a great tool for community development he admonished the union president  Mr Isreal Okunola and the speaker Rt. Hon ADENITAN JOSEPH AYODELE on the way of sensitizing the upcoming leaders to have a dialogue with the Local government chairman to solicit for tractors,buildozer and empowerment so the union can venture in Agriculture, this will serve as an employment opportunity for the union members or a siwes center for an union members interested.

Lastly he appreciate the legislative arm of the union for the first of it's kind program and stressed the vision mustn't die.

News brought to you by the legislative arm of the union

Why Embarrass Yourself - The How and How to Stop.

I have had a major problem since Monday (being a while I wrote this, timing may not be exact) and in a quest to solving it, I have had to find out a lot of things doing that. Well, I'm a better person this week than I was last week as I have learnt something new, yay!!! This can never be the reason I'm writing this, who even wants to know what I learnt sef but I discovered something about humans doing that.

Dear one, we are created to be the most intelligent beings not because knowledge comes with us at birth (except in cases of abnormality of which I've not heard or read), but due to the fact that we're blessed with a super power known as learning capacity. 

As you've known I'm in my service year and I've met a lot of people who I have been carefully observing and found out a whole lot of things which I'll share now.

First, there's a class who don't know and yet they don't want to know (help can still reach these ones but they are not our focus today). 

Secondly, there is this class that there's a will to want to learn but it ain't strong enough to push them to find it themselves, they'd rather wait on someone to help them find out. 

Finally and most disgusting are the people that know (in the real sense they don't know, you'd soon know how), these ones would always interject every discussion in a bid to come with a superior knowledge that no one seem to know.

When I met such people first, I thought they always knew all correctly until I took my time to start verifying their opinions and found a lot of things that are obsolete. These people would bamboozle with their eloquence and sometimes insult you because they think they know better than you (the reason they are disgusting), the worse part is the way they jump on issues even when I know they know nothing and I'll take in all pain listening to their nonsense and insults too then have a good laugh with their thought later.

I'm not speaking like this not because I know beyond anyone (see I know nothing, just never stop the learning process), but a lot of us are like them at one point or the other (you read right, most of us if not all sef). We believe we are the best when it comes to intelligence and then everyone spews nonsense or better still something inferior. See, we all know things but if you're humble with your knowledge you'd acknowledge that people exist that knows better than we do, then at places of discourse can we learn to keep quiet and learn from others. 
You are not better than anyone, you must keep learning so you don't become like the people in that last class. We all must learn to keep up with the pace of our wisdom. The wise keep being wise by listening, you know how much I've got to endure listening to a lot of gibberish, but I wish they would just learn, but no they won't. 

The moral of this gist is that, never assume you know all things (my brethren are you God?), sit down to learn, read, listen to people else you'd keep up with constant embarrassment of your royal person in the public.