Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pick Your Itinerary and Leave the Rest - A Soldier's Tale of Victory!!!


Like you already know, I'm on the compulsory service year for graduates in my nation. I picked some valuable lessons from the camping exercise that occurred a few backs one of which I'd like to share today, I hope we learn.
Parade is one thing the platoon commandants hold dear as the drills competition is an opportunity to show their prowess to the public hence they strive to pick the best for themselves.
At the very beginning of that journey, I discovered that my platoon commandant started the drills training with all of the platoon members (even the dullest person when it came to military parade knew that was too much), but he continued and over time he began to pick his 48, and upon getting there he still trim down to 42.

After getting that team of seasoned marchers, guess what happened to the others? Well, nothing happened but I noticed that he cared and sought after the welfare of the 42 and would care less about the others.

On a deeper thought, I realised that what he did is what happens to us in life but we fail ourselves at some point. While growing the educational system throws at us all forms of knowledge for us to get to know our strengths and over the years pick our passion and form our itinerary, there's a but after picking our itinerary a lot still look into the journey books of others and try to add sth of note they find there to theirs and finally they get things complicated for themselves.
Once your choices on your career, business, life partner and other vital issues have been made, take care and grow your choices, don't care about what's outside. The soldiers don't make the corpers who are not on parade their business, they leave them to laze around. That's how life is, your choices have been made, dot concern yourself with what another person is doing. If you do so, you're making a distraction for you. Success is sure when you follow the path you've charted for you and not try to look into someone else's map. Pick your itinerary, embark on your journey and meet the others at the top only if they are faithful to their journey. There'd be ups and downs (the downs should not be an excuse to want to change your path) but stay true and you'd breakthrough.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Value vs Success: How Successful are You?
Old English adage says blatantly that the end justifies the means, the world over have now regretted that adage as it has changed the course of human reasoning to one of great desperation to succeed by any means as you're judged basically by your outcomes. Well, allow me do some reorientation.

Some weeks ago, the world was held aback by the story of one who was listed aw a prospective under-30 billionaire who has one time being involved in fraudulent dealings.

Well as a people, we have lost the value that hard work carries, lost the joy and accomplishment that comes with waiting time and enjoying the process. We have also abused the term smart work to meaning various fraudulent activities, now the mantra have become all I do is legal as long as I succeed.

Let me tell you that if your success is not one that carries value, you ain't successful. People's lives must be touched by your actions positively, your outcomes should be a conglomerate of values you have added to others. Dangote is not the richest man in Africa for selling cement, he is because in the process of doing business, he is favourably and considerably adding values to a lot more people in so many ways.

So Mr Wanna be Success, don't be too overcome by the zest of your desire to be successful, it could lead to being desperate, but be more driven by a desire to add value to others and you'd never go wrong as success is tied to value closely. Add value to all and you won't get success wrong as in our times, the means justifies the end.